Sunday, December 12, 2010

Another one has passed away

Kemarin malem salah satu family member kita, imot pergi selama nya...
Kesedihan mendalam terasa di rumah, terutama mama dan apin. Itu kucing fav mereka. Kucing yg manja dan biasa dibiarkan bebas jalan jalan dirumah,Tuh kucing gendut banget jadi pada ga nyangka bakal mati secepat itu, emang penyebabe fatal bukan ketabrak atau kecelakaan. Sakit ginjal. Heran?
Kita juga heran, seperti cat food kering itu nggak terlalu baik buat si imot. Imot udah terbiasa makan cat food dari kecil so kemungkinan dari yg kita baca juga dari beberapa website penyakit ini dipicu oleh cat food itu tadi dan menjangkiti kucing2 yg rada obesitas seperti imot,

Beberapa kucingku juga ada yg mati karena gigantis, sakit gigi,
penyebabnya juga makanan. no wonder kucing2ku terdahulu ada yg bisa hidup bertahun tahun karena makannya cuma ikan sama nasi,
gaya hidup modern nda terlalu baek juga buat kucing , ternyata

Yah what can I say, Imot udah dibawa ke dokter sempet dikateter dan udah mendingan tapi karena nggak mau makan,berat badannya pun turun.
Harus direlakan memang meski berat,
Potire, si belang telon temen maen imot pun juga jadi kesepian. Maklum cuma potire sama imot yg dibiarkan bebas di rumah, dan bermain2 dengan bebas karena mereka emang terlatih dengan baik soal buang air,
sekarang imot sudah pergi, tinggal potire sendiri yg menunggu imot datang dan bermain bersamanya...moga moga imot udah nggak menderita lagi disana.

Anehnya jumlah kucing di rumah kami selalu tetap, yah sekitar 11-12 an, tiap ada yg mati. hilang akan selalu ada anak kucing baru yg akan datang,
but that's what happen'

Bye Imot....we love u all

Thursday, December 9, 2010

My biggest fear.....

Well everybody has their own fear.
For me the biggest fear is syringe....
What can I say?? people can't choose what phobia they have..

Since I was a child i really afraid with syringe, injection and all the things related this needle things. Even the alcohol smell already give me bad nightmare.
I always avoid to meet this syringe. Even my mom and teacher had to chase me 'coz I was escape from school every time there's a immunization.

Even I prefer to let go off my dream to be a doctor coz I can't stand I had to hold and touch syringe very often, this also makes me lazy to go to doctor when I was sick, I prefer to choose the latest condition my body can stand then I will check to doctor if I really can stand on the pain.

One time I had to hospitalized and it looks very horror for me. Like a torture for me everyday seeing those needle and being injected.

Even now i had to face my worst night mare again just for married process... aiyaaa, why can there be easier way?? i really hate syringe.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Determination of Happiness is......

For me.Happiness is when I can smile and said I am happy... Happiness is when I can laugh , when I can share stories with my students..

Had to admit I never have happiness in my family, my boyfriends, make me get use to it with my loneliness and get happy with it.

When u are alone, u are get used to create ur own happines without depend to anyone...that can help u survive in life...since at least you feel happy. is hard, life is so demanding but if you can make ur self happy then you can be survive in life... once u are far away from happiness watch out with your own life.

but it seems getting hard for me to get happiness recently.....

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Long Weeekeeend

holiday holiday holiday... is that want I need.... just wanna sing it out loud.

Well at least this week I will have a long weekend holiday.. Monday and Tuesday will be holiday for my office.... wanna rara chance. student also start their end semester holiday..means I will free for a month..(altough this also means reduce my salary...) but at least I can rest for a while.

Now.... what will my plan,
Sunday, I dunno what to do on Sunday.... just wanna relax at home would be great, sit in a sofa, watch cable tv whole day...yipppie....

Monday will be a busy day... need to settle up many things related my married.. I also need to service my motor cycle, pay the credit for the motorcycle. I also plan to watch Harry Potter movie.... yeeeah.. I want so see it eagerly.... really can't wait.